Products & services
The end product and service is unrivaled in the marketplace.
CSI offer a completely unique and original service within the building industry. From the conceiving of ideas and designs, through inception to fabrication and completion on site; the professional team delivers customised planning and expertise to meet each client’s specific requirements. Further to the supply of quality steel structures, CSI offer full professional engineering services which remain essential when undertaking any building work.
Whatever the size and scope of works, CSI is the perfect partner to have, encouraging greater client understanding and facilitating client input. CSI offer a full turnkey package which relates to regular factory inspections and accreditations, progressive site inspections, as well as daily monitoring of all the aspects of each individual job. Each project is assigned an engineer, assisted by an experienced technician, who attends to any queries, provides regular feedback, and ensures that all projects run smoothly.

As part of the customised service offered by Cousins Steel International, a wide range of specifications are offered to all aspects of the steel structure and its components.
- Roller Shutter doors and a customised sliding door design, perfected through in house research. A variety of different ventilation options, including the customised CSI monitor design, developed to maximize both ventilation and natural light.
- Gantry crane rail design, as well as provision for any type of overhead lifting requirements.
- All types of insulation from standardised bubble foil to closed cell high density, rigid, extruded polystyrene. Cold storage insulation also available.
- All types of roof sheeting ranging in a number of different profiles and materials to suit any application.
- Both positive fix and concealed fixing systems available.
- Corrosion protection designed to suit site specific requirements.
- Steel Frames – All steel complies with SANS 1431 grade SJ355R steel. All work is carried out by qualified boiler makers and coded welders. All welding complies with the South African and British codes of practice. Corrosion protection is achieved by degreasing the steel and priming with a self-etch oxide primer. (Painting of finish coat is optional and recommended as site work). Hot dip galvanising is also a recommended option.
- Doors
- Miscellaneous
- Gantry Cranes
- Grating
- Ventilation
- Louvers
- Whirly Bird Ventilator
- Products & Profiles
- 610 / 762 Corrugated Profile
- 686 – IBR Profile
- 700 – Concealed Fix Sheeting
- 760 – Widek or Widespan
- 889 – Industrial Seven
- Bullnosing
- Colour Range
- Flashing
- Polycarbonate & GRP